Dorian Finney-Smith
BKN #28
Portsmouth, VA
7 Seasons
Dorian Finney-Smith's recent games
Date Score Opponent Min FG% FT% REB AST BLK STL PF TO PTS
Sat 4/22, 202388-96Philadelphia 76ers19:0842.860.001111118
Thur 4/20, 202397-102Philadelphia 76ers36:2125.000.009110313
Mon 4/17, 202384-96Philadelphia 76ers27:24.91S33.330.007102228
Sat 4/15, 2023101-121Philadelphia 76ers17:3866.670.001000116
Sun 4/9, 2023105-134Philadelphia 76ers00:000.000.000000000
Frequently asked questions

How old is Dorian Finney-Smith?

Dorian Finney-Smith is 30 years old.

How tall is Dorian Finney-Smith?

Dorian Finney-Smith is 6-7 (2.01m).

How much does Dorian Finney-Smith weigh?

He weighs 220 lbs (99.8 kg).

Is Dorian Finney-Smith playing tonight?

Dorian Finney-Smith is suffering from a finger injury and is probable for start of season.

Will Dorian Finney-Smith play tonight?

Dorian Finney-Smith is suffering from a finger injury and is probable for start of season.

Is Dorian Finney-Smith injured?

Dorian Finney-Smith is suffering from a finger injury and is probable for start of season.

What team is Dorian Finney-Smith on?

Dorian Finney-Smith plays for the Brooklyn Nets in the NBA.

Where was Dorian Finney-Smith born?

Dorian Finney-Smith was born in Portsmouth, VA.

Where is Dorian Finney-Smith from?

Dorian Finney-Smith is from Portsmouth, VA.

What school did Dorian Finney-Smith go to?

Dorian Finney-Smith went to school at Florida.

Where did Dorian Finney-Smith go to college?

Dorian Finney-Smith went to school at Florida.

What position does Dorian Finney-Smith play?

He is listed as a Forward for the Brooklyn Nets.

How much does Dorian Finney-Smith make this season?

Dorian Finney-Smith is set to earn $12.40 million this season.

What is Dorian Finney-Smith averaging this season?

Dorian Finney-Smith is averaging 8.3 points, 4.8 rebounds and 1.5 assists per game.

How many points does Dorian Finney-Smith average?

Dorian Finney-Smith is averaging 8.3 points per game this season.

How many rebounds does Dorian Finney-Smith average?

Dorian Finney-Smith is averaging 4.8 rebounds per game this season.

How many assists does Dorian Finney-Smith average?

Dorian Finney-Smith is averaging 1.5 assists per game this season.

How many steals does Dorian Finney-Smith average?

Dorian Finney-Smith is averaging 0.8 steals per game this season.

How many blocks does Dorian Finney-Smith average?

Dorian Finney-Smith is averaging 0.5 blocks per game this season.

How many turnovers does Dorian Finney-Smith average?

Dorian Finney-Smith is averaging 0.9 turnovers per game this season.

How many fouls does Dorian Finney-Smith average?

Dorian Finney-Smith is averaging 2.2 fouls per game this season.

How many games has Dorian Finney-Smith played this season?

Dorian Finney-Smith has played 66 games this season.

How many points did Dorian Finney-Smith score?

Dorian Finney-Smith scored 8.3 points.

How many seasons has Dorian Finney-Smith played?

Dorian Finney-Smith has played 7 seasons in the NBA.

How long has Dorian Finney-Smith been in the NBA?

Dorian Finney-Smith has been in the NBA for 7 seasons.